I’m pregnant! Now what? It’s that feeling somewhere between excitement and ‘holy crap’! Although we have the support of our family and friends, sometimes we still get the feeling that we’re going through this on our own, right? No one can understand how I feel, because they are not going through what I am going through right now! I know exactly how you feel! Not only as a Mother, but as an entrepreneur opening up my own studio!
A beautiful by-product of this 13 year journey I have been on is what started as a way for expectant and new Moms to get moving and out of the house has evolved into a tribe of empowered Women that can lean on each other’s experiences, share their feelings, and build a community that has led to many friendships that last far beyond the yoga mat!
I am so grateful and excited to be a part of these journeys, and am so looking forward to taking my experience in teaching well over 4,000 yoga classes, 100 prenatal education courses, attending over 150 births, as well as my time as a registered nurse and massage therapist, and continuing to share what I have been so fortunate to gain with you as you enter the wonderful, frightful, excitable, and emotional world of being a Mom.